Sunday, May 29, 2011 old do you feel? old do you feel? Do you feel as old as your chronological age, or maybe you've lived a very healthy lifestyle and you feel much younger than you really are. If so, that's considered your real age. I guess the old saying is true, "You're only as old as you feel." I always thought this to be true but didn't know you could have a chronological age and a real age until we discussed it in class and after reading it in our text book.

Ironically, before reading and talking about this subject in class, my mom and I had a discussion about it. She was showing me her new age spots and complaining about how she thinks she looks pregnant most of the time, which she does not! Anyway, that lead into her complaining how my dad and her rarely go out to eat or do anything for that matter. That part is most definitely true and sad. After discussing all this, she said how she knew that she was 64 but she doesn't feel like she is. She said inside that she still wants to go do things like she did when she was much younger like cruising around the Boardwalk at the beach. There's no telling what her real age is. She keeps up with the young people at work! She works really hard and has to lift 50lb boxes so I know she's in good shape.

I understand how my mom feels but on a somewhat different level. My body feels it's age, most specially when I do a lot of work, but my mind still thinks I'm in my 20s. I guess it's good at least some of me is still young! I doubt that as I age, I will totally succumb to my chronological age.

Click on the title for some additional information about your chronological age vs your real age including 6 tests that could prolong your life. It's very interesting! I had never even heard of the laryngoscopic exam before.

Check out this website. It has a little test to see what your real age is.
By the way, it said my real age is 27!

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