Monday, December 12, 2011


I feel like I am now in a place of great knowledge with pediatrics. I have learned allot about diagnoses that I had some knowledge of, but now know the background and can apply my knowledge of OT to these diagnoses and help treat these patients. I can also better "diagnose" patients just by looking at their behaviors or physical characteristics. This may not be what I will be doing (diagnosing) but I can pick out treatments that will better concentrate on treating these symptoms.

The most interesting part of this class was getting to interact with he students at the elementary school. I have always just gotten to watch treatments not do them. This was fun for me to create treatments and get to look at the kids and problems they were having and act like an "OT".

I am going to apply this to my practice by being able to show patience, creativity, and adaptability when treatments don't always go as planned. Children have showed me all of this is important, but I can use this with all patients, throughout the spectrum.

I am ready for fieldwork! I am ready to get out there and practice, and to learn how to cope with different obstacles that may stand in my way.

My aha moments was during treatment with the elementary student when what I was doing with him was actually helping him with his cutting skills. To see him cut in a better way and to facilitate improvements in his skills was cool to watch and was definitely my aha moments and to see that I can really do this!!

And to all a goodnight!

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