Thursday, December 8, 2011

THE END! (well...almost)

Where am I now? Right now, I'm ready to be done. I don't mean that in a negative way. I feel like I've learned so much this semester. Both academically and personally. I have decided that I'm less than 100% sure I want to work in peds. I was so sure for so long but idk...I don't think I can be "on" all the time. For example, there was a day on FW when we all went to the school together. B was up sick the night before and I was really not feeling it. It showed. I don't think my kids noticed that I wasn't into it but classmates and my instructor noticed. And then I was exhausted during my in-service on self regulation, yep that showed too. Exhausted usually=low patience. My patience was shot by the end of that night. But hey, you never know.

I feel ready-ish for FW 2. I do feel more prepared now than I did at the beginning of the semester. I feel the most prepared for the SNF just b/c I know what to expect. In-patient (possibly out-patient) rehab is another story. I think I can do this though. Hmmm...I don't know if I really had an "aha" moment. I guess I just have faith that our instructors have taught us well....

I feel kinda like I've grown up in this program. Like when I'm finished I think I'll feel like a real adult (lame, ik) I was 20 when I started this program. I'd never really had to be professional before. I still remember doing a transfer comp. when I got feedback that I was really bubbly and casual and acted really young. Well, I am the youngest. I think by about 5 years. They didn't say it was a problem...just something to be mindful of. I'm still bubbly and casual but I try to pull out the professionalism when I need to. I certainly don't think I'm awesome at it, but I've gotten better. I've also gotten better about talking about whats bothering me or what I need help with, with my instructors. I remember going to one of our instructors in the spring semester b/c I wasn't doing well on her tests. She gave me study tips and then I did fine. I wish I had gone to her earlier. Geriatrics FW wasn't going great (actually it was going terrible) but I really felt ok being honest and asking for help. Had that happened this time last year, idk what I would have done.

I'm glad to be done with classes but I will miss everyone. We've been through a lot together and it'll be weird not seeing each other every day. I'm also scared to be off on my own.

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