Monday, January 31, 2011

Learning Disabilities

As we were watching the video on Learning Disabilities, I kept thinking how difficult elementary school for the students. I have 2 children with learning disabilities and another child that is starting the process to determine if she has a learning disability. I know how challenging school was for my children with accomodations for learning disabilities. I can not imagine what it would be like for a child without any help to be successful in school with a learning disability.

The school system and family members failed the students. Many times, parents know something is off with the child, yet the parents don't know what help is available or are afraid of the child needing "special education". All parents want their children to be bright and not have problems in school. Cultural differences contribute to parents not seeking help because of the negative stigma associated with learning disabilities. Plus it is much easier to label a child as "lazy" or "lacking motivation" than actually finding out if there is a true problem.

My children with learning disabilities both have above average IQs. Learning disabilities does not mean the child is below average intelligence but the child has problems processing information effectively. Accomodations in learning can overcome the learning disability.

It is great that each student wanted to continue his/her education and finally find the help he/she needed to be successful.

There is a link to help determine if a child might have a learning disability.

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