Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Should COTAs Be Allowed To Perform Assessments? Of Course!!!

Of course I, an OTAS, would think that OTAs should be performing assessments, but I can also understand why an OT would not want an OTA to do it. I mean the whole treatment plan and goals could be made according to what the results of the assessment are, and if an assessment isn't done correctly the OT's license could be in jeopardy. Wow, that's a big risk to take for someone, especially if the OT doesn't really trust the OTA to perform the assessment.

I feel like gaining trust from your supervisor doesn't just come by proving service competency of assessments. I think it comes with time. Your supervising OT needs to repetitively see you come to work on time, be professional, ethically and morally, use your therapeutic use of self and basically just do a good job everyday.

After all the competencies we have had to go through, I hope I'm allowed to perform assessments in the real world. I wouldn't like to be at a job where my supervisor didn't trust my judgment. In fact, after proving service competency and still not being allowed to perform assessments, I would probably find another job. I wouldn't want to be at a job where I didn't feel trusted or respected.

If COTAs were allowed to perform more assessments, more clients would be able to receive OT services. The school system is overflowing with kids that need assessments. I wish OTs would trust COTAs more. I mean, "Aren't our instructors just as competent as yours?" Just because COTAs obtain their degrees from a community college doesn't mean that we don't know what we're doing. Give us a chance!

I have included a link for new grades of any kind. It gives some great suggestions on how to gain trust and competence from your supervisor. I love the suggestion of "tooting your horn" subtly." I have too often heard individuals bragging about what they can do. Stop bragging and start showing your supervisor what you can do and be confident!

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