Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Everybody Look at Me!! I'm HPD

I'm surprised that they would choose to eliminate Histrionic Personality Disorder. Histrionic means dramatic or theatrical according to ClevelandClinic.org. People who exemplify HPD constantly needs to be the center of attention, dress provocatively, self-centered, make rash decisions, and are overly concerned with physical appearances. These symptoms could greatly affect the people around them and could result in an unstable environment for that person. I would think this is very prevalent in our society now-a-days with all the materialistic praise our society focuses on. However, I can see where this type of personality disorder could get out of hand and be detrimental to many people involved. People with HPD tend to manipulate others for their own selfish desires. They could also spend a lot of money caring about their appearance such as plastic surgery, shopping sprees, and physical upkeep. Some may say that there is a fine line between being spoiled and materialistic to having Histrionic Personality Disorder. Mental illness is a type of abnormal disorder that influences a person's thoughts, emotions, or behaviour and could cause harm to themselves or other people (freedictionary.com). Even though this behavior could be common and hard to diagnose I think if the condition is extreme enough it needs to be treated. Most people with Histrionic Personality Disorder could also experience depression and low self-esteem due to the fact that they are constantly seeking approval from others for their happiness. These conditions are not normal and should be addressed. I can see how HPD can overlap other disorders such as bipolar disorder, body dis-morphia disorder and borderline personal disorder but HPD addresses specific symptoms in which could hinder one's life and the life of those around them. More specific symptoms are included below: (Pubmedhealth)


People with this disorder are usually able to function at a high level and can be successful socially and at work.
Symptoms include:
  • Acting or looking overly seductive
  • Being easily influenced by others
  • Being overly concerned with their looks
  • Being overly dramatic and emotional
  • Being overly sensitive to criticism or disapproval
  • Believing that relationships are more intimate than they actually are
  • Blaming failure or disappointment on others
  • Constantly seeking reassurance or approval
  • Having a low tolerance for frustration or delayed gratification
  • Needing to be the center of attention (self-centeredness)
  • Quickly changing emotions, which may seem shallow to others

Here is also a video to give a better example and differentiation of this disorder compared to others mentioned above.

In my opinion I think Histrionic Personality Disorder should not be eliminated from the DSM-5 because it is prevalent and detrimental to society and can be treated with therapy and medication. If it is eliminated from the DSM-5 this condition will not get recognized as problem or someone may be given the wrong diagnosis and not get the proper treatment.

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