Tuesday, May 1, 2012

DSM-V Gender Identity Disorder Revisions...

So the word in the world is about some purposed changes to the DSM-V to come out soon.  One of these changes refers to the diagnosis in the DSM-IV-TR that "gender identity disorder" is categorically incorrect & should be changed.  The new version of the DSM will re-categorize this with the diagnosis of "gender dysphoria".  What does this all mean one may ask ... Well a brief run down of the original diagnosis description is (courtesy of the DSM-IV-TR  302.6 Gender Identity Disorder in Children & 302.85 Gender Identity Disorder in Adolescents and Adults p. 259 - 262) The 4 brief diagnostic criteria are as listed below:
  • Long-standing and strong identification with another gender
  • Long-standing disquiet about the sex assigned or a sense of incongruity in the gender-assigned role of that sex
  • The diagnosis is not made if the individual also has physical intersex characteristics.
  • Significant clinical discomfort or impairment at work, social situations, or other important life areas.
Work is being done now with the APA (American Psychiatric Association) and the transgender community to best research and classify this characteristic in persons who feel outside of their naturally born gender.

Conflict arises when persons with what the DSM has deemed a "disorder" do not agree that there is any disorder about themselves.  With most all situations there is always 2 sides to the coin & exceptions to everyone.  Isn't that what being an individual is all about anyway?  So for the people with a slew of letters behind there name to try and place each unique person in a category is seemingly along the lines of prejudicial.  On the flip side also to actually have a mental ailment diagnosis attached to a person is not the most politically correct thing to do - ever.  So controversy is on the horizon concerning this issue.  

Since this is a blog and I can express my first amendment right harmlessly I say (with borrowed words) "Live and let live!"  If I feel like wearing purple and pink polka dots everyday because I relate better to tropical fish please let me as an American do so without prejudice or a diagnosis. 

As always get informed to break the stigmas and hope everyone has a nice day :-)  Follow the limk below to find out about more of the purposed changes to DSM-V.  http://www.dsm5.org/Pages/Default.aspx

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