Sunday, July 29, 2012

Time flies!

I can't believe the semester is almost over... it went by so quickly! I learned so much and I feel more comfortable with working in the geriatric field.
I was surprised to learn that there was primary and secondary aging. I figured it was all just clumped together into "aging." I also thought that some diseases, like arthritis, were a normal part of aging. I was wrong! Most of the normal signs of aging were not surprising to me (i.e wrinkles, grey/white hair, decrease in senses). However, I did not think of them from an OT perspective before; it surprised me how these normal aspects of aging can lead to so many other problems.

Hearing- A loss of hearing could lead to social isolation, depression, and decreased safety.
Taste & Smell- A decrease in these senses can lead to decreased food intake and nutrition, decreased safety, and social participation (especially when cooking/eating involved).

Link to Article on Untreated Hearing Loss
Geriatric Nutrition
Making Sense of Sensory Loss

Most of the patients that I saw this semester had hearing loss. It is hard to know how loud or close to talk to them without looking like you are yelling at them. Also, it was hard to know how much of the conversation they were missing due to not wanting to keep asking, "What did you say?"

My grandma has not been able to smell anything for at least 5 years. One of her favorite things used to be candles... so we would always get her pretty scented candles for presents. Now that she can't smell anymore, we never buy them for her and she said she really misses being able to smell her candles.

A big thing that I have noticed with my grandma as well as the patients is the high amount of salt and sugar they put on their food. WOW!

I am looking forward to our summer break, then next semester! Oh my goodness, our last one before fieldwork 2...Scary and Exciting!

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