This summer has definitely been an interesting one! We were able to experience and work with a number of different people who enhanced our classroom education. The topic today is one factor of normal aging that surprised us. There were a number of surprises but the biggest one to me was the 1% decrease after the age of 30! It did however bring some consolation by way of explanation to the morning aches & pains that were never there before, having to look for my car keys for a half hour because I forgot where I put them and accidentally burning my boiled eggs! It was also interesting when doing the interviews to hear the different levels of decline related to primary aging in the different individuals. It definitely isn't all down hill at lighting speed but a slow and progressive process that is compensated for over time.
One of my interviewees used to play couples tennis until she nearly took out her partner because she wasn't in her line of sight. Since, she has continued to play tennis to keep active but just one on one. This person also confirmed the facts we went over in class do to aging; adding more salt to food, increased thirst, decreased vision, loss of sensation and decreased sense of smell as the years have gone on. It was very enlightening to hear her positive attitude on getting older despite the decline in key areas. She has continued to keep physically active in hopes of doing senior Olympics after retirement! I've included a little video here of a team of senior volleyball Olympians, very inspiring!
So to wrap it up I depart this summers blogging by saying regardless of the inevitable physical changes, it is a positive perspective that will make the years ahead more enjoyable :-) Peace.
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