This past Tues. I had the best treatment session ever! My pt. had been admitted to this facility three weeks ago, and had not seen the shower room until this past week. The OT, my instructor, and myself were all on board as we encouraged and provided the safest means possible to allow for this shower. It may seem like such a small thing, but I cannot imagine not having a real shower for three weeks. As she is NWB on R ankle, a lot had to be considered in order to make this happen. For me, I was so grateful for the many teaching moments along the way. I was on the receiving end of reasons and explanations as to why things were done in a certain way. I walked away with a lot of valuable info.
Ms. D was as appreciative as could be. When I got her back to her room, she said that she "feels better all over." Once she was transferred back into the bed, I put some lotion on her back, and before I left the room, she was snoring softly! She worked hard to make it happen--a bit hesitant at first with all of the transfers--but with reassuring words and tones from the OT and my instructor, she was able to pull it off.
I have attached a quote sent out about a week ago from Ms. G. This quote can be put into many different contexts in our lives, but I thought how appropriate it is for this session.
I've learned that people will forget what you said, they will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.
Maya Angelou
We as future OTAS, have the ability to provide so many with such simple dignities. Funny thing is this: I know how good that shower felt for Ms. D, but I am fairly certain that I left that day feeling even better than she did!
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