Even though my session did not go as planned, it was so refreshing to work with a client who wanted to get better. I went from one end of the continuum to the other. First, I had a client who didn't want to do anything, and now I have a client who wants to independently do everything. I wasn't expecting a client so independent because there is a woman in my neighborhood who had kyphoplasty surgery 2 months ago and is still wearing a brace. I'm starting to thing she just wants some sympathy! I didn't know much about this type of surgery so, of course, I looked it up, and I hope the chart provides some insight into the procedure.
The website I provided is very informative concerning the rehabilitation techniques and adaptive equipment used, but what's extremely sad and frustrating is how small the section concerning OT and recreation therapy is. As usual, PT steals the limelight! If you click on the Next Section in the bottom right corner, there's lots of great information. one important factor to remember is that usually these clients have comorbid medical issues and the bed rest needed to heal from the kyphoplasty can worsen those conditions.
After reading the article and finding out that kyphosis is caused from osteoporosis, I made sure to go get some more vitamins! I had been putting it off because I only like the ones at Whole Foods but I most certainly don't want to have a compression fx one day just because I didn't feel like driving a few extra miles to get my calcium.
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