I started brain storming.....Ageism......and the first thing that comes to mind is Arnold Schwarzenegger.....Come on Arnold, what were you thinking?? I can't help but think of the discussion we had in Geriatrics class about men and women. Why is it accepted for older men to run around with younger women, but older women are criticized if they have a younger man love interest. I guess it goes along with the ageism that men are sexier with age and women only go down hill with age. How many times do you see an older woman in Hollywood with an younger man?? I can only think of one, Demi and Ashton. They are the exception to the rule!! Lets see for the male side of things: Hefner, Nicholoson, Clooney, Douglas..... and the list goes on and on. Currently there is public discussions about Arnold and Maria everywhere you turn. If you are out of the loop the couple is separating after 25 years of marriage and to top it all off, Arnold fathered a child about 10 years ago, with no other than the couples housemaid!! Arnold is getting pretty beat up in the press right now, but I wonder how long will that last?? Will he star in next year's hot new action movie and suddenly be on the road to comeback?? This is hard to say especially considering Maria Shiver is such a loved public figure. Only time will tell but if you base your opinion on ageism, somehow Arnold will get out of this one and have a hot new girlfriend age 21 by next year!! I found the above linked article interesting about couples who have been married a long time, are over 50 and the real reasons they sometimes choose to end their marriages. Growing old is not an easy experience and growing old with a partner is even harder. Good luck to Arnold and Maria, and I pray to not see many photos of Arnold around town with his new, young love interest!!
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