I had my first FW experience last week. I was surprised at how low-key and quiet the facility was, and then I thought back to Albert Bandura and what he said about modeling behavior. So, I started scanning the people in close proximity and noticed that everyone, with the construction guys being the exception, had a very positive affect. The employees had great tone and most were smiling and appeared as though they were happy and glad to be there. The residents were imitating the employees and were also very happy, pleasant, content individuals, despite their situation. I was amazed at the comradery between the guys that lived there! This lead me to think about how important a friendly smile can be. I found this website that emphasizes how much of an impact a smile can make. http://www.rbcsgroup.com/OT/OT-2008/Mar-2008/Smile.htm
I feel like we could all use a laugh right now so I also wanted to include this website.
I love the t-shirts. Great site!!